

ある会社で 実習生に 日本語支援と生活支援をしてほしい と 年に一回あるかないかの間隔で言われる。

誰か いい人が見つかるだろうと 思いながら その度事に丁寧にお断りする。

なぜか 見つからないようだ。 ふしぎ。







I had used a chair for a dressing table for the last few years. My desk has a drawing board  for a keyboard and board type mouse. It was difficult to use them while I sat on the chair.

I buy a new chair today which is a stool type with saddle type shape. The orange color seat of the chair is turning around and I can draw out the board from my desk.

I hope I don't hurt my lower back while I am sitting on my new chair and doing my tasks.



ISO 14001




I have registered as an EMS auditor.   I think it will be a challenging task for me.


お久しぶりです Long interval

元気にすごしていますが、長い間 ブロガーにログインしていませんでした。

先日 某市役所に書類をもらいに行ったとき、書類ができあがるまで、市役所近くの図書館で読書をしました。



I am fine although I haven't log in here for months.

I went to a city hall to get a paper material the other day. I had to wait to get them because it would take time while personnel was preparing for them.

I visited a nearby library to kill time. 

It was a lovely nice day.  I read some books without ruffle or excitement. 

The personnel couldn't find the documents on that day so those will be sent to me in a few days.


三体  a science fiction book


少しは本を読む気になってきたので、kindleバージョンを アマゾンで 100円(゜_゜)で購入。


One of my friends recommended a science fiction book called "The Three Body Problem" by a Chinese author to me this January.

As I feel like reading books, I bought it at Amazon store which cost 100 yen.

I will begin reading it, this Autumn, because Summer in Japan is sweltering hot.

Autumn is a good season to read books at nights. 


顔の腫れ My face swollen

 最近、すこし忙しくしていました。先日の夜、左顎が痒くて目が覚め少し掻いたのは覚えています。 朝起きると顔の左半分が熱いので、鏡で顔をみるとすごく腫れています。その翌日の朝、今度は両目瞼が腫れました。




I have been busy recently. I felt itchy on my left chin the other day night when I woke up  for a while. I fell asleep after scratching a little bit. I woke up and felt hot on the left side of my face. I looked at my face in the mirror.  The left side of my face was swollen. 

As my eyelids were also swollen the next morning, I went to see a doctor at my local town hospital.

I met a physician first and he wrote a letter to the dermatologist at a different hospital. I met the dermatologist and he said that I was allergic to something.

He told me I was allergic to something that I touched or was stung by. He added that the swelling would last about a week with giving me a prescription ….

I get tiered easily now. I am not at my best.



タカノツメ Hot chili peppers




A club for women which I belong to has a plan to have the members plant chili peppers at their house gardens as a yearly event. The reason why they are planning on chili peppers to plant is that the name of a kind of very hot chili peppers is called "Taka no Tsume".

That name means "hawk's claws" written in Chinese characters.  Taka means hawks and is pronounced the same as the name of my hometown. It makes a pun.

The staff thought it might attract others once we plant and harvest them, and produce some products from the chili peppers which are put in the market.

We planted them this year but we don't have any good idea to create wonderful products from the red peppers yet.

ローバー Mars Rover

先日のテレビ番組「宙にわたる教室」で 火星の砂漠でのオポチュニティーの轍の写真をみました。 以前 だいぶ前に 英語教材で火星の探査車の記事を読んだことを思い出しました。 そのときは、砂嵐の中 がんばって火星のデータをおくりつづけたローバーの話 と 思っていました。 火星で15年間...