





I had used a chair for a dressing table for the last few years. My desk has a drawing board  for a keyboard and board type mouse. It was difficult to use them while I sat on the chair.

I buy a new chair today which is a stool type with saddle type shape. The orange color seat of the chair is turning around and I can draw out the board from my desk.

I hope I don't hurt my lower back while I am sitting on my new chair and doing my tasks.



ISO 14001




I have registered as an EMS auditor.   I think it will be a challenging task for me.


お久しぶりです Long interval

元気にすごしていますが、長い間 ブロガーにログインしていませんでした。

先日 某市役所に書類をもらいに行ったとき、書類ができあがるまで、市役所近くの図書館で読書をしました。



I am fine although I haven't log in here for months.

I went to a city hall to get a paper material the other day. I had to wait to get them because it would take time while personnel was preparing for them.

I visited a nearby library to kill time. 

It was a lovely nice day.  I read some books without ruffle or excitement. 

The personnel couldn't find the documents on that day so those will be sent to me in a few days.

とぎれ とぎれ on and off

 気が付くと 2月 あまりに ログインしないので、パスワードを打ち込んでも、スマホとタブレットで本人確認をしないといけませんでした。  あっと いう間に日がすぎますね。  昨年の11月は英国人の友達がきたので、和紙研究所につれていって、一緒に和紙体験したりしていました。 日本での...